Get tax-free investing all wrapped up with an award-winning ii Stocks & Shares ISA. Manage your own investments, let us take care of it for you - or a mix of both.
Important information: As investment values can go down as well as up, you may not get back all the money you invest. If you're unsure about investing, please speak to an authorised financial adviser. Tax treatment depends on your individual circumstances and may be subject to change in the future.
A Stocks & Shares ISA, also known as an Investment ISA, is a tax-free way to save for your future.
This type of ISA excels in the choice it offers. You can choose to invest your money in a wide range of shares, funds, bonds and more.
The ii ISA also includes access to our Managed ISA, where you let us handle your investments for you. So whether you want to invest yourself, leave it to our experts or a mix of both, it’s all available when you add this to your account.
A Stocks & Shares ISA lets you shield your money from tax.
When selling stocks, you won't pay any Capital Gains Tax on your profits. You also won't pay tax on UK dividends or income earned on bonds. To learn more, we have a collection of some key ISA tax benefits.
A Stocks & Shares ISA can also access our wide range of investments.
Choose from a range of shares, funds, ETFs, bonds, investment trusts and more. If you aren’t sure what to choose, you can still rely on our impartial insights to give you some direction.
A Stocks & Shares ISA is suited to long-term investing.
There’s no limit to how much your investments can grow. This depends on your choice and how they perform, but you won’t have an interest rate restricting you. And you always have the flexibility to sell and reinvest.
Bring all your investments under one roof and see if you could save. You can rely on our flat fee to help you keep more of what’s rightfully yours.
The ii ISA offers one of the widest ranges of investments on the market. Or, if you’d prefer, the Managed ISA can take care of the investing for you.
Get in touch with our award-winning customer service team with any questions. They can also help with adding an ISA to your account.
By adding an ISA to your plan, you can still rely on our flat monthly fee to help you reach your financial goals sooner.
We may need to upgrade your plan depending on your existing accounts with us:
Use these tables to check what your monthly fee would be and which plan you'd be on if you add an ISA. Other charges, such as trading fees, apply. Find out more about our plans and charges.
Total invested | Monthly fee | Plan |
Up to £50,000 | £4.99 | Investor Essentials |
No limit | £11.99 | Investor |
Total invested | Monthly fee | Plan |
Up to £75,000 | £9.99 | Investor Essentials + SIPP |
No limit | £21.99 | Investor + SIPP |
“I’ve been really happy with ii’s ISA fees. They were the predominant reason I changed. It was just obvious. That’s why I’m with ii.”
Nick chose the ii ISA so he could rely on a simple, predictable flat fee. Hear why he joined over 430,000 investors taking greater control of their financial future with ii.
Are you more of a hands-on investor? Or simply prefer to leave it to the experts? Either way, we have the ISA for you. And all for our same low, flat monthly fee.
To add an ISA to your ii portfolio, simply log in to your account, online or in our app, and select 'Add an account' from the 'Portfolio' menu. You'll see the option to choose either a Managed or Self-managed ISA.
With a Self-managed ISA, you’ll pick your own investments. If you choose the Managed ISA, our experts will keep an eye on things for you; they'll manage your investments to make sure your portfolio stays in line with your risk appetite.
You can easily add cash to your ISA using instant bank transfer, Direct Debit or by transferring from another ii account.
If you have eligible shares in a Trading Account already and want to make them tax-efficient, you can also use Bed & ISA to transfer those over.
Have ISAs elsewhere? Transferring them to ii is simple and we keep you updated on any progress.
Put your £20,000 annual ISA allowance to work. Buy investments as you would with a Trading Account or SIPP, choosing from a wide range of UK and international options. Or leave it to our experts with our Managed ISA.
We know you want to make the most of your money. And you want a provider you can trust to help you do just that.
That’s why we’re proud of our multi-award-winning ISA, which was named the Times Money Mentor Best Stocks & Shares ISA.
A Stocks & Shares ISA is an investment account that lets you invest in a wide range of stocks, funds, bonds, ETFs and investment trusts.
Once you open your Stocks & Shares ISA, simply add money and choose where to invest it. Or leave it to us if you open a Managed ISA.
There are two ways to invest in a Stocks & Shares ISA:
There’s a maximum amount you can contribute to a Stocks & Shares ISA in any given tax year: £20,000.
Remember, this allowance includes all types of ISA. So if you have a Cash ISA as well, this also counts towards your £20,000 annual ISA allowance. You do not have to use all your allowance, but it doesn’t carry over to the next year.
The ISA rules changed on 6 April 2024. You can now have - and contribute - to as many ISAs as you want (except for Lifetime ISAs and Junior ISAs). However, you can still only contribute up to your £20,000 ISA allowance each year, across all ISAs.
Yes, you can have a Cash ISA and a Stocks & Shares ISA at the same time. You can also contribute to both within the same tax year – though your £20,000 annual ISA allowance covers both accounts.
Yes, you can withdraw your money from the ii ISA at any time. However, this does not renew your annual contribution allowance. Once you've paid into the ii ISA, that part of your allowance has been used.
Read more about adding and withdrawing money from a Stocks & Shares ISA.
There’s no limit to how much you can put into a Stocks & Shares ISA in a month. The £20,000 allowance is an annual limit only. So if you want to use all £20,000 as soon as the allowance resets on 6 April, you can do just that.