Pension knowledge hub

Find everything you need to know about pensions. With a suite of guides, calculators and tools, you can make sure you’re on track to your ideal retirement. 

Important information: The ii SIPP is for people who want to make their own decisions when investing for retirement. As investment values can go down as well as up, you may end up with a retirement fund that’s worth less than what you invested. Usually, you won’t be able to withdraw your money until age 55 (57 from 2028). If you’re unsure if a SIPP is right for you, please speak to an authorised financial adviser.

Most popular pension guides and tools


Pension calculator

Are you saving enough for retirement? Enter some quick details and see how a few changes could make a difference to your pension.


Making contributions to your SIPP

Paying as much as you can into your SIPP will help boost your retirement income. But how much can you contribute in a year?


SIPP inheritance tax

What happens to your pension after you die? Learn more about how inheritance tax affects your SIPP - and how you can start preparing for the future.


SIPP withdrawal rules

There are strict rules about when you can start withdrawing money from your SIPP. Find out more about taking income from your pension.

Pension basics

If you’re exploring your pension options and don’t know where to start, we have some basic guides to help.

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Pension types

Learn more about the different types of pension, and what they mean for your retirement.

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How to check your pension charges

Discover how to find how much you pay for your pension - and what you can do about it.

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Pension charge comparison hub

See what options are available and compare SIPP providers to find the pension for you.

What is a Self-Invested Personal Pension?

A Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) is a type of pension that gives you more control of your retirement planning, compared to other pensions. Learn more about SIPPs and if they’re right for you.

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What is a SIPP?

Find out how a SIPP differs from other pension options.

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Is a SIPP right for you?

See the key benefits of a SIPP and if one would suit you.

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Contributing to a SIPP

Find out what you need to know about paying into a SIPP.

Discover the ii SIPP 

Find out more about our three-time Which? Recommended SIPP and if it’s the right pension option for you. Take control of your future from just £5.99 a month.

Pension and investment account comparisons

Is a SIPP the right choice for you? Here’s how SIPPs compare to other popular types of account.

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SIPP vs workplace pension

Which type of pension is right for you?

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SIPPs for the self-employed

What are your options if you’re self-employed?

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Which of these self-invested pension schemes would better suit your situation?

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SIPP vs Stakeholder pension

Both let you invest in your retirement. But are either ideal for you?

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SIPP vs personal pension

If you want to take charge of your pension, which option is best?

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Junior SIPP vs Junior ISA

How do you want to prepare for your child’s future?

older woman on sofa using laptop to complete transfer

How to transfer your pension

Looking to switch your pension to a different investment platform? Here’s what you need to know about transferring your pension quickly and seamlessly.

More about transferring your pension

Transferring your pension can be a great way to take control of your retirement and open up more flexible opportunities. Here’s what you need to consider before making that next step.

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Pension transfer options

Learn about pension transfers and how bringing everything to a single provider could make retirement planning easier.

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Finding and tracing lost pensions

Find out how to find and trace a lost pension. And what you can do once you’ve found them.

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Transfer a workplace pension to a SIPP

See if transferring your workplace pension to a SIPP is right for you. And what to consider before transferring.

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Transfer an ISA to a SIPP

Find out what you need to know about transferring an ISA to a SIPP - and if it’s the right option for you.

Contributing to a pension

The more you contribute to your pension, the more you’ll have when it’s time to retire. But it comes with some strict rules. Here’s what you need to know.

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Pension contribution limits and rules

You can only contribute so much to your pension every year. Learn about your annual pension allowance.

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Making contributions to your SIPP

Paying as much as you can into your SIPP will help boost your retirement income. But how much can you contribute?

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Employer contributions

It might be your personal pension, but that doesn’t mean your employer can’t contribute to your SIPP.

Pensions and taxes

While pensions and SIPPs provide some generous tax relief, there are still tax considerations to keep in mind.

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Tax relief on pensions

Your pension contributions receive a boost through tax relief. Find out more about how much tax relief you can get.

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Self-assessment tax return guide

If you’re making contributions into a SIPP, you may need to complete a self-assessment tax return.

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SIPP tax relief

With SIPP tax relief, we’ll claim the basic-rate on your contributions. Though for some, you could claim more.

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Are SIPP dividends tax free?

Dividends paid on UK investments in a SIPP are tax-free. This isn’t always the case with non-UK investments.

Looking for some pension investment ideas?

Here are some SIPP investment ideas to inspire you. Whether you’ve just started saving in a pension or are getting closer to retirement, there’ll be something for you. 


More investment ideas

SIPPs give you the opportunity to invest in way that works for you. Here are some more options you can choose from when you invest in a SIPP.

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Buying bonds in a SIPP

Learn all about holding bonds in your SIPP.

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AIM shares in a SIPP

Discover whether AIM shares suit your appetite for risk.

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Target retirement funds

Find out what target retirement funds are and how they work.

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Sustainable SIPP investments

See how you can invest in your pension in a sustainable way.

Pension calculators and tools

We want you to feel confident that you’re on track towards your retirement. Try out our suite of SIPP tools and make sure your pension is where you want it to be.


Pension calculator

Are you saving enough for retirement? See how a few changes could make a difference to your pension.


Pension health check

Do you want to know how your retirement savings are shaping up? See if your pension is on track.


Drawdown calculator

How long could your pension last? Enter a few details and take stock of your situation.

Withdrawing from a pension

When the time comes to access your pension pot, you have plenty of options available. Here’s what you need to know about taking money from your pension.

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SIPP retirement options

See what you can do with your SIPP once you reach retirement.

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SIPP withdrawal rules

Find out what the rules are when it comes to SIPP withdrawals.

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SIPP income drawdown

Take up to 25% of your pension tax-free with income drawdown.

Pensions and inheritance

Inheritance planning is never an easy discussion. But it’s crucial to decide what happens to your SIPP when you’re gone. Here’s what you need to consider about pension inheritance.

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SIPPs and inheritance tax

What happens to your pension after you die? Learn more about how inheritance tax affects your SIPP.

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SIPP death benefits

How income tax applies after you die depends on your age. See what you need to prepare for.

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Your pension after death

Your pension could be your biggest financial asset, so it’s normal to worry about what will happen to that money when you’re gone.

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Start investing today

Take control of your investing with a SIPP that suits your needs. It’s your pension, your future, your way.