How much does it cost to buy and sell investments?

  • If you are on our Investor or Super Investor plans, you will receive £7.99 of free trading credit per month. We add your trading credit your account on the same day your monthly fee is charged. Each free trading credit is available for 90 days before it expires.
  • Additional trades usually cost £7.99 each for UK or US shares, ETFs, funds and investment trusts.
  • Other international shares cost £19.99 per trade.
  • Dividend reinvestment costs £0.99.
  • Regular investing, through monthly payments, is free.

If you expect to make lots of trades each month, you could save money by upgrading your service plan.

Additional charges apply for trades of US or UK shares worth over £100,000 or other international shares worth over £25,000. There are also foreign exchange charges when you convert currency

Click here for a full list of charges.