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Heather Connon
Heather Connon is an ii contributor.
Dogs of the Footsie: Thrashing FTSE 100 at halfway stage
The 10 investment trusts I have picked for my pension portfolio
Dogs of the Footsie 2017: How our 10 shares yielding 5% plus are faring
Dogs of the Footsie 2017: 10 shares yielding over 5%
Dogs of the Footsie jumps 43%
The 10 best trusts for compounding returns
The outlook for ailing banks remains gloomy
Two fund portfolios for a £10,000 annual income
Meet the Dogs of the Footsie 2016
2016's crucial factors for Japan, Asia and Emerging Markets
2016's biggest market-moving factors for Europe and the US
13 top UK stocks for dividend growth