Interactive Investor

ii SIPP Index

The ii SIPP Index reveals how interactive investor SIPP pension savers invest during their working life and in retirement

interactive investor

The ii SIPP Index - Q1 2024

interactive investor, the UK's second largest investment platform for private investors, has launched a new report: the ii SIPP (Self-invested Personal Pension) index. In a rapidly changing and increasingly complex investment landscape, this new index will provide a barometer of how SIPP customers are investing and position their pension portfolios during their working life and in retirement. 

The index reveals that SIPP customers increased their holdings of passive tracker funds in the last two years, with 7 out of the top 10 holdings in accumulation now passive funds and 5 out of 10 in drawdown. Female SIPP customers outperformed men over the last two years, with female customers investing more in funds and investment trusts and less in individual equities. 

The new ii SIPP index will be a half yearly index with data from Q1 and Q3, each year. 

Download the full report from the link below.

SIPP Holdings Over time

Commenting on the Q1 2024 ii SIPP Index, Alice Guy, Head of Pensions and Savings, interactive investor:

The pension landscape is complex, but investing in your pension doesn't need to be complicated, and our customers are increasingly favouring simple global funds and ETFs as part of their pension portfolio. This trend echoes the ongoing popularity of tracker funds with our wider customer base, as part of a balanced portfolio.

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