Discover whether you could save more for your retirement. Compare the ii SIPP to what you're paying now and see if transferring could help you pay less for your pension.
Important information: The ii SIPP is for people who want to make their own decisions when investing for retirement. As investment values can go down as well as up, you may end up with a retirement fund that’s worth less than what you invested. Usually, you won’t be able to withdraw your money until age 55 (57 from 2028). Before transferring your pension, check if you’ll be charged any exit fees and make sure you don't lose any valuable benefits such as guaranteed annuity rates, lower protected pension age or matching employer contributions. If you’re unsure about opening a SIPP or transferring your pension(s), please speak to an authorised financial adviser.
Compare the ii SIPP to others on the market and see if you could start saving more for your future. Make the most of our low, flat fee and put your retirement on the right path.
Comparison information - Annual charge comparisons based on published SIPP charges on 01/02/2025 for Aviva SIPP, Standard Life SIPP (Level 2 Investment Options), AJ Bell SIPP & Hargreaves Lansdown SIPP. The calculator compares SIPP charges only – other types of pensions may have lower or higher charges. ii charges assume the cost of adding an ii SIPP (£10/month) for customers on the Investor Plan. Additional charges may differ for customers currently on the ii Essentials and Super Investor plans. Assumptions: 100% holding in funds - choosing other assets such as shares and ETFs, may result in lower charges. Two fund purchases/sales. Pension charges only, excludes fund manager charges. Read more about our analysis. Source: The Lang Cat.
By adding a SIPP, you can still rely on our flat monthly fee to help you reach your retirement goals sooner.
See the table for all the information you need to know about upgrading your plan. Find out more about our plans and charges.
Invest up to | Your new monthly fee | Your new plan |
£75,000 | £9.99 | Investor Essentials + SIPP |
No limit | £21.99 | Investor + SIPP |
Choosing the right SIPP provider could mean thousands more pounds for your retirement. Dig deeper into how the ii SIPP compares to some of the others on the market.
Compare the ii SIPP to Hargreaves Lansdown.
Compare the ii SIPP to Aviva.
Compare the ii SIPP to Standard Life.
"With a lot of providers' charges, it's this plus that plus that. Whereas with ii, it's straightforward. What I pay is what I pay – ii’s fees are just so much cheaper. That's why I'm with ii."
Mark, 47, was frustrated with the fees he was paying with his old provider. With ii's low flat fee, he now gets to retire earlier.
Other providers usually charge a percentage of your pot. That means the more your pension grows, the more they take. The ii SIPP is different. Bring all of your investments under one roof with our simple flat fee and save more for your retirement.
As a Which? Recommended SIPP Provider for three years running, we offer a wide range of investment and retirement options. That doesn't mean more complexity, though. We have something for all types of investors.
It's easy to keep track of your pension via our website and secure mobile app. But if you're ever in need of SIPP support, you can count on us. We're happy to say that ii has more 5-star Trustpilot reviews than any other UK SIPP provider.
If the ii SIPP is a cost-effective choice for you, discover more about what you could get by adding one to your account.
With greater control, choice and flexibility, it could be the start of a brighter retirement.
At ii, there are no charges for taking an income from your pension. It’s all covered by your flat fee.
Enjoy the flexibility of withdrawing your money your way. Choose to take tax-free cash, drawdown or lump sums - all at no extra cost.
If you're thinking about retiring soon and want to understand your options, make sure you speak to someone at Pension Wise.
Pension Wise is part of the government's Money Helper service, offering free and impartial pension guidance to the over-50s. They can also help you decide if transferring your pension is the right choice for you.
Get ahead of the 5 April tax deadline and get £100 to £3,000 cashback when you add an ii Personal Pension (SIPP).
A minimum SIPP value of £10,000 is needed to qualify for this offer. Making contributions and transferring other pensions to our SIPP counts towards your minimum value. See more details on this offer.
Offer ends 5 April 2025. Subject to a 12-month holding period. Terms and fees apply.
Important information: It’s important to take your time before transferring your pension. Make sure to consider what the best option is for you. Don’t transfer just to qualify for the offer, and don't rush any decision to meet the offer deadline. We periodically run offers, and there will likely be other opportunities in the future.