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Patrick Connolly
Patrick Connolly is an ii contributor.
Can I withdraw my final salary pension without paying for an adviser?
What’s the best pension scheme for me?
Can my wife claim my inheritance tax allowance as well as her own if I die first?
I sold my buy-to-let that I used to live in years ago. Must I pay capital gains?
I'm 51 - is it too late for me to pay towards a state pension?
My father, 97, pays into his granddaughter's pension - will there be inheritance tax to pay?
What happens to the inheritance tax allowance of couples when one spouse dies?
Can I reclaim an £11,000 tax bill to boost my pension?
Ask Money: Estate planning or tax evasion?
How can I avoid going into the 40% tax bracket when being paid a bonus?
How much tax should I pay on my savings?
How long do I need to keep my Isa paperwork for the taxman?